Digimon v pet 20th
Digimon v pet 20th

The majority of the chapter contains images of the various artwork for the Digimon along with their sprites. It's truly an amazing piece of art with some great personality to it (Numemon peeking at the audience out of focus makes me laugh.)Ĭhapter 1 is the main focus of the book.

digimon v pet 20th

This new illustration by Kenji Watanabe for the art book features various Digimon flying through a digital space. The first page of the art book is a take on the cover using the old CGI render of Tyranomon that was used on the original Digimon V-Pet packaging. Instead just various samples from different sections will be included. The spine features the book title along with a number of Digimon V-Pet sprites.ĭue to the size of the book, every page won't be thumbnailed and embedded. The back cover features new artwork of Agumon, Hackmon, Zubamon, and Dracomon by Kenji Watanabe along with some digimoji at the bottom that has a simple message "To everyone who loves Digimon". The logo is in foil and the cover has a reflective holo-material on it that reflects light in different colors. The front cover, at the top of the article, features a well known piece of art of Tyranomon (this art borders on being the most used piece of art in the franchise's history most likely.) At the bottom of the cover is the title of the art book using the classic style Digital Monster logo. The images in the gallery are as provided by them. It was done by our friends at DigiSoul who kindly shared them with us. Much of this we've seen before (in many cases for 20 years), but a good number of them we only have small thumbnails of the art from the official website.

digimon v pet 20th

This art book contains a bunch of Digimon art to celebrate the 20th Anniversary version of the Digimon V-Pet (and the 20th Anniversary of the franchise as a whole.)Ī large hardcover book that is mostly the profile artwork and sprites of the Digimon contained in the 20th Anniversary V-Pet. This time it's the 20th Anniversary Art Book! Digital Monster Art Book Ver. Digimon 20th Anniversary, Digital Monster Art Book Ver.

Digimon v pet 20th